Dec 22, 2013

Back on track for 2014

I think that we all go through the same thing during this time of year. The moment you realize that the year is coming to a close and you start thinking about all the things you've done, who you are, and what goals to work on for the next year. I would say that about 75% of people make themselves a New Years goal of losing weight, eating healthy, and exercising. People promise themselves and get so excited to accomplish their goals, but as the year goes on (about a week later) people tend to give up or simply forget about the goals they made for themselves. I can count myself to be one of those. So this year, I'm trying something different...

1. Take one big goal and make it into tiny goals.
-For example Big Goal: Get a flat stomach by summer Small goal: The first week of January, I will run 30 minutes 3 days a week. 
By making your goals smaller, they seem less overwhelming and more approachable.
2. Write it down! As you may or may not know, I love to plan and write things down. For me, if its not put in writing, it will never happen. In my planner, I have a section of blank pages that I use to write down my goals and how I plan on accomplishing them. Then I keep track of my progress. 
-For Example, you want to pay off all your debt in 2014, if you don't write down your goal and a plan of how you're going to achieve that goal, its never going to happen.
3. Keep it simple! Don't make your self a goal that is way out of reach. A goal like, get married (and you don't have a boyfriend) or win the lottery or finish school (when you haven't even started) may be too out of your reach and when you don't reach your goal, you'll be disappointed.

Because we're only a few days away from the New Year, I would like to share my goals with you and would love to hear about your goals.
- Be healthier. Eat well, drink more water, sleep enough, and exercise often.
- Improve Photography skill. Take camera everywhere, use any oportunity to take pictures, ask questions, and be willing to learn.
- Save money. Spend less on silly things, save more money. I would like to save up money for a new house, a new car, a trip to Europe, or just a rainy day.
- Pay Debts. along with saving money. I want to pay off any debts I may have and not have to owe anyone anything.

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